Home Health And Fitness Pullkick Pro, Exercises to Use It Correctly
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Pullkick Pro, Exercises to Use It Correctly

by American USA - 16 May 2022, Monday 64 Views Like (0)
 Pullkick Pro, Exercises to Use It Correctly

This article describes a series of exercises that can help you improve your technique and prove the versatility of the Lifeguard Training.

We have already presented in other articles the Sand Pullkick, a very useful accessory that combines the design of the pull buoy and the swimming board. Now let's take a look at the Pullkick Pro, designed to make your training even more effective. The novelty that Pullkick Pro incorporates is reduced buoyancy. The Pro is the perfect accessory for experienced swimmers to work hard on core and body alignment.

These are its advantages:

– Its size is smaller, so it will be more useful for you to learn to keep your body aligned and float better when you use it as a pull buoy.

– Innovative hydrodynamic grip to increase the stability of the middle area.

– Made of soft foam to ease the transition between use as a pull buoy or board.

– Less buoyancy to strengthen the core and make training even more effective.

Let's now look at a few exercises that demonstrate how versatile the Pullkick Pro is.

1. One arm freestyle. As we have already said, the one-arm front crawl is a key exercise to improve the technique. Here we use the Pullkick Pro for front support, i.e. like aboard.

Hold Pullkick Pro with both hands and try to keep your body perfectly aligned. He starts the thrust with one hand and breathes when you have it under your shoulder. When you have completed the grab and push phase and the arm is in line with the body, stop for a moment. Then go into the recovery phase and make sure your shoulder is pointing towards the ceiling. When your hand is halfway up your back, dip your head and place your hand on the Pullkick Pro. Repeat with the other arm.

2. Double back with paddles. This exercise is aimed at improving the gripping phase and catching more water in the thrust phase. The Pullkick Pro is used as a pull buoy and the blades are used to gain traction when pushing.

Start with the Pullkick Pro strapped between your legs and paddles in your hands. The legs should move slightly, even when wearing the Pullkick Pro. At first, the arms go to the sides, and then both complete the recovery phase at the same time in an upward movement. As your hands enter the water, extend them as far as they will go and push hard until they are back at your sides. Repeat the movement several times being careful to maintain alignment and perform an effective thrust phase.

An essential exercise to learn and improve hip movement in breaststroke. As in the previous back exercise, the Pullkick Pro is used as a pull buoy. Begin by swimming breaststroke and execute a dropkick at the beginning of the push phase.

After a full breaststroke push phase, dip your head during the recovery phase, raise your hips, and finish the downward phase of the butterfly kick. You should stretch your arms as far forward as you can with each stroke, extending your body into the water and lifting your hips and legs with each kick. Breathe every two or three arm cycles to get the right rhythm.